Love-ly Letters

I’m baaaaack! And I’ve missed you!

Even though I’ve barely been blogging for a year, when I take a break I realize what a joy it is to do a little bit of “fun” writing every day.

So what that I spent over eight hours today either taking notes or crafting a front page news report on tax battles? A few hours later and I’m ready to type away again. This writing is like a spoonful of buttercream and caramel after a day of porridge and potatoes!

Speaking of sweets, I got a sweet surprise this holiday from the new boyfriend! Several months ago, we were in a craft shop in New Jersey and I started mooning over some earrings I couldn’t afford. He quietly took note, and presented me with the loveliest pair of amber typewriter key earrings this Christmas, courtesy of Cadence Designs on Etsy! I love that, besides being pretty, handmade and completely unusual, they’re also a nod to my love for writing. Perfect!

(And, as if that wasn’t enough, he also gave me a handmade journal and broke out the circular saw and measuring tape to make some specialized pottery throwing bats for me! What a guy!)

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12 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Oooh … that’s such a sweet gift. What a thoughtful guy. And the earrings are lovely.

  2. Hi Amy!

    I’d love to be considered for your features 🙂 Hope you had a wonderful holiday!


  3. Wow what beautiful pottery. I love your colors. Great blog btw. I hope to eventually get to the point were I can blog efficiently. I would love to be considered for a feature. Thanks

  4. Those earrings are absolutely exquisite. I love type-writer stuff too!

  5. I like those earings. Judging from your blog, you also have some pretty decent photography skills (something which I lack).


  6. What a thoughtful guy he is! And the earrings are beautiful: a great way to look into writing’s past.

  7. Gorgeous earrings – awesome pottery! You are so talented!

  8. What a guy is right! Wow. Happy New Year, and enjoy those beautiful earrings!

  9. I love typewriter key jewelry. I would love to learn to do it on my own..but alas have too many projects already…what a great gift! Have a happy new year.

  10. You have such a great blog!!! I’d love to be featured if you so wish 😉

    I blog too, or I am starting to, I got a lot to learn about it though.

  11. Welcome back Amy….I’ve missed you. Hmmm, appears you are as blessed as me in the love department. That is awesome. The earrings are just as cute as they can be and certainly fit right in with you and your newspaper career. Now you need to make some little earrings to go with your pottery career!! (I’ll be on the lookout for pictures of them) BTW…still thoroughly enjoying the pendant and gettings lots of compliments!!


    Mary of Brush It On

  12. Delayed response, BUT– Thanks for featuring my earrings and I am glad that you liked them!! I defintely just saw post and am really excited to please someone so talented!!
    ~Best, Cadence

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