Need writing help?

Does the thought of writing your profile give you painful flashbacks to 11th grade English class?

Do you love reading my Saturday Critiques but don’t want to risk waiting forever, hoping to be picked?

Don’t give up!

As a professional journalist and an artist, I understand that you need to communicate a lot of information about yourself and your product clearly, concisely and attractively. I also love collecting awesome handmade art, crafts and jewelry. So make me an offer for a trade!

I can take the  big red pen to your shop announcement, profile or descriptions, or help you tackle a specific craft-related writing challenge.  I can also simply proof-read and polish.

Email me at if you would like to trade something from your shop for editing services.  Of course, I reserve the right to turn down a trade for any reason, and I will limit myself to a reasonable number of critiques a week.

Published on May 3, 2008 at 3:58 pm  Comments (25)  

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25 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hello,
    I just read your post on the etsy forums. I would LOVE for you to critique my grammar and sentence structure. I’ve been looking through some old grammar textbooks but it’s always better (for me) to learn from a person. Your offer is so generous, isn’t etsy a great thing? I entered my shop link in the website slot but I’ll add it here as well.
    My jewelry shop is Goose On The Loose.
    Thank you in advance!

  2. P.S. I’d be happy to trade something for your editorial services, a pair of earrings perhaps?

  3. I love your Saturday Critique and I would like to be considered for the upcoming week.


  4. HI there, my english is sooooo bad, that would be a nice piece of cake in your hands, see, i need help, how work this!?

  5. Hi!

    I also read your post on Etsy and I’m absolutely game for critique and help for my writing style, if you wish to call it that.

    Please consider me interested!

  6. i am in such need of help with my announcements and profile.. ive been told that i dont bring anything to the table to a seller and thats why i dont have many sales, ive had one true sale and a couple of bnr,,buy and replace, and i am donating my turtle pendant to etsy for animals.. ..

    as a stay at home mom of four i need all the sales i can get.. and so need to have a critique

    can you help me? please please jumping up and down..

  7. I like to express myself, and yet when it comes to describing my own jewelry, suddenly it seems like bragging to me. I’m trying to be factual in an upbeat way, I’d appreciate you’re opinion.

  8. Thanks for the info which was staring at me all the time, I sometimes seriously worry about my intelligence levels, ok so I did go out and party last night but all the same.

    Would love some feedback on how to write a good description that would make somebody one step closer to by my goods.

    Thanks for considering us.

  9. I’m a dud when it comes to writing. I struggle with it and always take a long time to squeak out a sentence.

    You have a great ear for language and I love your pottery too! If you’re interested in a trade, let me know.

    Thanks for considering!

  10. Once upon a time I was a literature, english major, and I still have a way with a FEW words, but I do like constructive criticism. So…feel free. I would also be interested in a trade if you find anything you fancy in my shop. Looking forward to working w/ you!

  11. Ahh, I am new to the blogging, flikcr, and Etsy ‘seen.’ I am a biologist amoungst a family of English majors – at least at my University biology majors had the worst spelling/grammar – that has carried on throughout my life:) However, my Englishy family has always helped pull myself together. But now I have moved away and man I could really use some help:)! Much Thanks!
    PS This is a very cool website – I can see why it is growing! I think my Englishy family would really enjoy it!

  12. Most excellent post. I’d like you take take a look at some of the descriptions I’ve written under my items.

    Will await your expertice.

    Thank you,
    Mystic Silks

  13. Hi Amy Esther,
    Saw your offer in the etsy forum this a.m. It seems to take me longer to write my description than to actually make the item. (LOL) It really doesn’t, but it seems that way. I would appreciate your time if you could take a look and offer your thoughts.
    Thanks so much,

  14. HELP!

  15. I saw your post on Etsy and would love to know what you think about my writing. Here is my shop . I know my Descriptions could be better but I’m just not sure how to make them better.

  16. I would like to have you critique my writing. I too saw you in the Etsy forums and difinitely need to improve on my writing skills

  17. I know I have several problems and just can’t figure it out. My being from Germany does not help much. (smile)
    I would love your assistance and be critiqued.
    I would be happy to trade- if you so desire.
    Thanks, Monika

  18. I have posted before and I really want to use this
    as a learning tool . I need desperately to learn al aspects of this marketing tool.
    Thank you for your time in sharing with us.

  19. Thank you for generously offering to help us with the written word. Sometimes I just don’t see my own mistakes. I am open to any suggestions you have and welcome some ideas on describing my art in a more pleasing way.


  20. Wow! I’ve read some of your critiques and am so impressed. I am the first to admit my writing stinks! My sister writes most of the descriptions. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. I’m not sure we have anything you’d like for a trade though…..feel free to look around and let me know if you see anything and we can go from there.

    L & R Designs

  21. Hi Amy –

    I could really use some help, I tend to keep things very short & sweet because I’m more of a visual person (also slightly dyslexic, but I’ve come a long way!) Not sure that my items require more wording ~ i’d love it if you would take a peek!

    Thanks ~
    P.S. I also have a blog –

  22. I desperately need some editing! I don’t feel I write that badly, but I tend to go on and on. I also worry about little mistakes that I didn’t catch, since that bugs me in other sellers shops. You are fantastic at zeroing in on what is and isn’t important and polishing the whole package up. You can have whatever you want from my shop, just help me please!

    Thanks ~ Andrea

  23. Great writing! I might need your help cause my writing is sad and on top English is my second language 🙂 Trying to buy a house so can’t spend money now but I marked your site for future.

  24. hi,
    i found your thread on etsy and as english is not my mother tong i would LOVE to get help from someone, who would be able to describe my pieces better. i try to describe and add the measurements of my pieces, but i simply can not come up with those lovely poetic descriptions the other etsy members do.


    please please help me help me uuuuuuuuuuuu…

    many thanks,

  25. Oh how I would love some assistance with my descriptions!!

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