
Okay, you creative, artsy people, you! I need some help coming up with a Halloween costume! I’ve just been invited to a party and I’m totally stumped.

Keep in mind that I’m dirt poor and can’t sew. Plus I’d like to look cute (but not fall into the “wear as little as possible and call it a costume” category).

Published in: on October 10, 2008 at 1:52 am  Comments (6)  

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6 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hi Amy!
    I once dressed for Halloween as a “Freudian Slip”… I wore a cute black slip (with a leotard underneath) to which I had sewn (crudely bec I can’t sew either) patches made from a white sheet. On each patch I wrote w/ laundry market a suitable Freudian term: id, ego, superego, Oedipal complex… etc… It was a lot of fun!

  2. Hmmm, you could go as a ghost and not show up. When people say they didn’t see you there, you could just say “yeah, I was a GHOST!” Ok, that won’t work…

    Wow, I really like the Freudian Slip idea, that’s great! You could always just pin the words on with safety pins.

    What ever you do I hope you have a great time!

  3. That Freudian slip idea is very clever.

    My favorite costume was dressing up as a doll. I opened up a wire coat hanger so that it was straight, then I centered it on the top of my head and shaped it so it would follow the curve of the top of my head. I braided my hair into two long braids and wove the ends of the coat hanger through the braids so they would stick straight out from my head at about a 90 degree angle.

    I put on a cute pair of baby doll pajamas (do they still make these?).
    Draw on big red cheeks. Use eyeliner to draw big eyelashes extending from the top of the eyelid to just under the eye brow.

    Cute and comfy.

  4. My peacock cosutme a couple of years back was a hit.
    1. get peackock feathers from the craft store
    2. hot glue as many as you’d like to a long strip of black felt.
    3. wear all black and put on your creation like you would a belt with the feathers behind you. Secure with safety pin.
    4. paint your face pretty with creme eye shadows in bright colors that you have or pick up at the drug store for cheap. put on some false lashes and heavy eyeliner and it was very “masquarade-like.”
    Easy but looks elaborate. people will be impressed.

    good luck!

  5. I once wore tinfoil and went as a burrito. Best part? If you go to Chipolte restaurant, you get a free burrito for dressing as one!

    One I’ve always wanted to do- dress kinda hobo-ish- holy jeans, stocking cap, old boots, and put on an old jacket. Inside the jacket, pin up old watches, bracelets, other knicknacks, and go around flashin people asking if they need a Rolex šŸ™‚

  6. be a road…
    wear all black..skimpiness is up to you!
    yellow tape for double yellow lines..
    sew on cheap match box cars…
    you are good to go!

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